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Chulmleigh sits on the edge of the Little Dart river valley and although this is primarily an agricultural and farming community there are a number of independent shops and businesses based in this small town that is Chulmleigh - that thinks it’s a village.
Chulmleigh is a hill-top market town and at one time one was on the main road between Barnstaple and Exeter enabling it to prosper from trade in both directions. This ensured such a degree of prosperity that up to 18 public houses served the needs of the obviously thirsty residents and passing traders. Today only two of these remain!
Wool provided the main source of wealth and income to the town until around the middle of the 18th century when the wool trade suffered a decline. This, combined with the construction of the Exeter to Barnstaple turnpike road and a new railway along the same route brought about a slow decline in the fortunes of Chulmleigh.
The town slowly recovered during the 20th century so that today there are a number of small shops and businesses to meet local needs. Unfortunately, the recent economic recession has seen the closure of many shops and their premises being converted to various types of offices, but the shops and other businesses are slowly coming back, largely encouraged by the growth in housing which is bringing in many new residents, and the newly completed expansion of the Community College. Over the years the economic rise and fall of the town has been a part of the life, concern and work of the Parish Council.
Chulmleigh Parish Council, a brief introduction
This website will provide you with details of our eleven current councillors and the latest information aboutthe work of the Council. The Council meets regularly, usually on the first Wednesday evening of the month, at7.00pm at Chulmleigh Town Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and speak at any meeting of the Council and there is an agenda item for public session participation at the beginning of each Council meeting. Chulmleigh Parish Council welcomes feedback from parishioners; details of how to contact the Clerk and individual Councillors are posted on this website.
Chulmleigh ParishCouncil, the role of a councillor.
The level of elected government that is closest to the local community is the parish council. One step up is the district authority (North Devon District Council) who consult regularly with the parish on matters related to their area. Planning applications are usually determined by the NDDC after the parish council has made recommendations.
It is mandatary for every councillor to sign a nationally recognised Code of Conduct before taking office.
The Code states that all councillor should have regard to the ten Principles of Public Life, namely Selflessness, Honesty and Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Personal judgement, Respect for others, Stewardship and Leadership.
Interests that relate to their public duties must be declared.
This role can often be very demanding and difficult. The parish council is rightly recognised as the first port of call for people with local concerns or ideas. Living in the town and being close to the residents is essential for a parish councillor who has been elected (or co-opted) to serve the local population and to make decisionson behalfof the people, while also taking into account the legal boundaries in which they work.